Watch Stage Door online for free at HD quality, full-length film. Watch Stage Door cinema online for free. The film Stage Door has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this movie online. Watch this on the site. Cross the Hu-du-men - the demarcation between the back and front stage in Cantonese opera, and you leave yourself behind to absorb totally in your character. Lang Kim-sum is a charismatic Cantonese opera star who understands perfectly it's a point of no return once she crosses the Hu-du-men on stage, and in life as well. Respected by colleagues and friends and about to retire, Lang has yet to face new, unexpected Hu-du-men's in domestic and professional life. Husband Chan suddenly wants to immigrate. Daughter Mimi has a lesbian relationship. At work, her progressive opera director causes havoc in reforming a traditional art. Lang's protege Ip Yuk-sheung chooses between career and love, and a secret of Lang's past also surfaces. Lang, the quintessential master of vicissitudes on stage and in life, braves new crises and dilemma with gentle and light-hearted flair.
Year: 1996
Genre : Drama
Runtime: 87 minutes
Release Date: 1996-04-03
Actors : Josephine Siao, Anita Yuen, Waise Lee, Chung King-Fai, Daniel Chan Hiu-Tung